Saturday 24 March 2018

Using second hand data and recording results

Further reading and comment from the Year 8 text book second hand data (all information you don'r directly observe).  The book takes an interesting stance that it is unethical to pretend to take someone else's data.  Basic citation is a quality control measure developed by science and almost automatically puts down textbooks with out citation as poor quality.

Chapter 1 section 3 deals with recording and presenting results. I think there was a missed opportunity to make the distinction between graphs (connecting two continuous variables) and charts which show the relative magnitudes of different types with in a class (object oriented programming lingo here). The text committed the horrible educational mistake of saying a hypothesis should include what theory you feel a positive result will show. In my experience: If you are not switched on enough to pick up the problem in setting up confirmation bias, then reading sloppy thinking will probably be evidence that this is not an issue.

Search tag ##8.1.2

Grade 8 Scientific Measurement PS 8.1.1

I read and comment from our Year 8 science text book. It is good training for me before my big operation, but will students benefit by listening to it? Time will tell.

Search tag ##8.1.1

Esters Explained

An explanation of esters R-O-R' with examples

Atomic Orbitals Explained

A way to understand Quantum wave functions and atomic orbitals using modeling clay (or play dough) is explained.

Friday 23 March 2018

Thursday 22 March 2018

Suicide at Sea

A reading from a great book "The day the world discovered the sun" covers suicide of a marine on board Cooks' HMS Endeavor. It really gives an insight to the mental health issues that are part of the fabric of the development of Australia.

1768 Electricity Demonstration

An English Natural Philosopher, Joseph Banks if first board by his host then takes revenge by sparking him with his electricity generator.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Niels Bohr Story

In this podcast:

Get some insights into the scientist who came up with the model of the atom that could be explained to children.

Find out what happened to his Nobel Prize and how he escaped the Nazis on a mattress and how his head was too big for the English.

Reflect on who is brainwashing us  now.

Does sound travel in wind?

Does sound travel in wind? The effects on frequency and amplitude are covered.

Monday 19 March 2018

Bohr atom explained

I introduce the light photon. I tackle a common error that "the energy of a photon is quantized". The more profound quantizaton of angular momentum and what that means is tackled. I really rubbish the Bohr atom. A few bits of science gossip is shared.

Two Short Stories

1: You don't want to give your surgical team food poisoning
2: Salt reduced Vegemite a spread for your bread that creates an underclass of Australians.

There is a deeper level of discussion about "customary" knowledge and "constructed" knowledge.

Sunday 18 March 2018

How to Podcast for Teachers (Part 2)

The conclusion of Podcasting as a professional capability: The chain of software used and the skill development strategy I am using.

How to Podcast for Teachers (Part 1)

No fuss practical guide to developing a Podcast capability

Saturday 17 March 2018

Friday 16 March 2018

The Sun Explained (Part 2)

This time I explain up to the Chromosphere before I get interrupted. The full explanation is just life changing!

Thursday 15 March 2018

The Sun Explained (Part 1)

Explanation of the Sun using a clear mental map
Part 1: from the Earth , Core, Radiative Zone. The Sun Explained (Part 1), Tachosphere, Convective Zone, Photosphere more in Part 2

Monday 12 March 2018

Inside the Warfarin molecule

Listen to a chemical tour of this molecule which is saving millions a lives around the world. Look at the image on the blog" Carbon is black, hydrogen is white, oxygen is red, the dashed line mean a pi orbital. Lots of cool chemistry, alcohols, ketones, esters, aromatic rings and more!

Rayleigh, Mie and Optical Scattering

A general brain dump on the different types of optical scattering you encounter everyday.

Sunday 11 March 2018

The crystal that put me in hospital

Experience Australian hospital care as I am diagnosed with a crystal.

Friday 9 March 2018

Analyzing a scam (2 Episodelets)

Hear about unpicking a Scam. This podcast will be progressively added to as different aspects of the scam is tracked down. The basic gathering of data and forming a model is core scientific practice.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

A reading from The Quantum Astrologers Handbook

Listen to excerpt from "The  Quantum Astrologer's Handbook". In renaissance intellectuals would duel to determine who was top dog.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Aussie High School Marks

Aussie High School Marks

In the final 13th year of school education, New South Wales students get a mark out of 100 for each subject they sit.  It is an average of the mark from a statewide exam and for a mark awarded by the school.  This last mark is weighted by how the school as a whole performs in the exam.

The simple mathematical tool of chirping is used to distort the re-positioned school marks so the average school mark is that which is determined by the outside test.

The collision between the "Customary" and "Scientific" cultures is mentioned.

Protein McProteinface

A general chat on what makes up a Protein

Link to Youtube

Saturday 3 March 2018

Bloody blood

A podcast where I data dump my insight into blood and look at globulin and albumin.  It stops when I am interrupted to take my son for a driving lesson.  Albumin is an interesting globulin as it control swelling and transports drugs: both of which impact my cardiac rehab.