Thursday 2 April 2020

Group Theory

Its mostly terminology and common sense so for. Left and Right cosets of a group forming their own group. Homologous groups relationships seams pretty powerful as if you can do a bit of work showing some similarity in some area you can then apply your insight into a new field. It seems to be tracking into the big insight as to why Nature symmetry are the locking in the topology of particles and space. It turns out I only printed half the article so we have stopped before it gets mind bendingly hard. I recommend having the article there to read through it. I now know what S stands for "special", U for "unitary", O for "orthagonal". But to be honest I really only understand well orthagonal because all electron wavefunctions are orthagonal. I am now remembering what the script letters X, R, and C stand for natural, real and complex numbers. id stands for the identiy operatior which is 0 for addition and 1 for multiplication. I understand that middot and + stand for non and commutivative operation. And the associativity means you can work through a queue of operators as long as you dont change the ordering in the queue. Oh well, people have never given me a clear self consistent explanation why one shouldn't understand this stuff.

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