Wednesday 20 July 2011

Eating Sunshine! -Lesson Transcript

Ecology - Transcript

Living things and life; an ecosystem is something that relies upon all of its workings units. Eco means home. An ecosystem is the mechanism of a home. Ology means 'love of'. An ecology is then, by definition the love of or study of mechanisms within an environment or home.
All living things have to eat. I worked out that all life ultimately eats sunlight, or light provided by the sun. Therefore, what is the very first thing you draw in any ecosystem? Answer: The Sun.

Arrows always come from the sun and follow to the grass and continues on the largest predator.

The first thing in an ecosystem is the sun. The first stage of an ecosystem is photosynthesis. This means eating light. Photosynthesis is basically the reason life works and how flora eats light, takes in carbon dioxide or CO2 and emits it back into the atmosphere.

Trees are formed when water and oxygen are 'knitted' together in straight out air.

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