Monday 11 December 2017

A Quantum Physicist gets serious about pod-casting

The absolute truth about being a Quantum Physicist is summarized in these two points

  1. Many things make sense to you because you get the deeper ideas of Quantum Physics
  2. Most people do not want to invest even the smallest amount of time in gaining new understanding.
So this being said, don't over think things but just experience some of the maths working for you in this Web App

So just click on this image and you will be taken to what looks like a App gallery. It is in fact a crystal of knowledge.  Yes there is totally new maths and new forms of numbers involved. Double click on the 25 or 23 tile to hear the podcasts.

I have a hunch about which culture will understand this first so if you get it please drop a short email to me on To put you in the picture: it is like an alien space ship has crash landed and we are trying to make sense of their hard drive.  Not everyone will get it.

Here's Pride and Prejudice and here is Genesis

I am a robotics scientist and just have labview reading my computer and it effortlessly creates the Web App live as I type. The web and social implications are staggering.

Also included is a Podcast talking you through it. Enjoy, it really is an experience.  I still have a sense of awe as it does so much.