Tuesday 9 June 2020

Andreas Vesalius -Wikipeadia

We hear a more balanced, less sensational account of the great Disector. We learn that the popular popularization in coffee table sweeping sagas that overlaps with what is taught in school is infact unethical and disrespectful to the students in our education system's care. So Andie was aiming to escape the turmoil by landing a secure possition with the Emporer. He figured out that Galen who was forbidden to dissect humans, had made predictable mistakes from dissecting monkeys instead. In fact in order to short circuit the whole debate he did parallel dissections of humans and animals. This ineffect let the dead have the last say by not being able to be bullied into falsehood. Listening to this podcast directly after the guff of the last is rather profound I would think.

MP4 recording     MP3 recording

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