Friday 11 January 2019

Oval Orbit - Fair Pizza

This podcast while driving attempts to fill in the mystery that powers the tome "Chasing the Sun". Basically you have heard of the "Dot com" boom. Well Pythagoras started the "Dot" boom with his Monads which lasted 2500 years until it inspired binary and digital maths by Leibnitz. If you haven't heard of it, that is just part of the deal of having a narrow education system. At any rate if the Dot was the next big thing or actually incredibly small thing you might have been wise to invest in the latest thing the circle and the sphere. Now for those astute among us I note the Quantum Dot and quantum computing and also the clever observation that the dot has come full circle. Now you may think it is a silly gibe to mention operating systems a la our friends at Apple. It is not so silly as the operating system was installed on the processor called religion and a succession of up grades flowed through with the Heavenly circles, the so many circles and the circle on a nifty sun circle organizer. In this sense, seen from a modern marketing perspective Kepler's ellipse was in marketing terms disruptive. The ellipse was a bad circle, if you would like all eggs are bad because egg shapes are bad except if you look at them end on.

Then Kepler marketed them with the 3 Laws. In a sense 3 was the new 1 or 10 if you took the commandments into account. Newton chipped in with 3 Laws, then Bohr came in with 3 Postulates, while Einstein didn't get it with just 2 postulates which were in fact postulates rather than laws, but don't let that get in the way of our job of programming you to think just enough to be useful. So Kepler Australianized were 1: Wonky circles 2: There will be a riot if you don't cut the out of shape pizza fairly and 3: Factor in an extra square root of the distance travel time for longer trips.

The second half of this podcast is with a natty stereo lapel microphone which has exposed the need for voice training onto of all the neuro rehab I am loaded with.

MP4 recording     MP3 recording

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