Thursday 22 November 2018

Buoyancy Quiz: Just two questions but with surprising answers.

Systems test
 Better initial production

Well it is better recording directly into audacity and it looks as if I will just need a better mike.
I am getting my head around the composition of explanations.  It looks best I write notes whilst giving explanations. The huge advantage here is tagging the sections and this radically reduces the rework time, down load into audacity etc.

Then there is the clean up of the audacity output. After a break of a week I was surprised to see it so stable. I can now clear the work areas so the extraction doesn't get confused with earlier versions. Leaving the old stuff there lets me test the next sections independently.

Now at this time I only put in two questions for the quiz, and I was pleased it picked this up and changed the various broadcast programs appropriately.

On the production run through it reported a disturbing number of missing files it couldn't find, but I had a listen to the first couple of synthetic podcast programs and I couldn't spot the problem. This is why I am reluctant to put in an intelligent error trapping as you can go along with a false sense of security.

I am disturbed by the error messages but I don't have them going into a log file. I will schedule 1 or 2 quiz productions per week and hopefully get a few teachers producing them and we will see what is necessary for building a class resource.  I don't think we are at the test it on live students yet.

This production showed me the yawning gulf between rigorous science and what is passed of in schools. In the first question you have the misconception that heat is buoyant. I know teacher who have gravity acting through the gravitational field and needless to say have a blank stare when anyone talks about scalar, vector and tensor fields. Then even the second question covers molar volume, and how we can pick the relative density of different types of gas.

I have to do a range of tweaks to all the software to reduce the number of key strokes. I really have to lock into a production routine.  Then there is the high level problems of navigating a range of common misconceptions to get cut through explanations.  I imagine but I haven't thought it through that there is certain structural points in an explanation. The misconception issue is a hard one for two reasons: just moving up on a misconception is tricky is one reason, while the other is that there is the emotional attachment people have to these things and you don't want to trigger a labyrinth of personal thinking and defensiveness before you have got everything laid out.

I have got the automation of sorts to blogger, wordpress, twitter and the like. The automation of Mobile apps is not there.  I just can figure how to place in Quizzes so they are not cluttering the space.

You may notice I am writing more in the Podcasts. This basically because I have to move on from the typing speed tests.

Quiz Toolbox

Buoyancy:Test on your phone or in your car
Buoyancy:Play this for a class test
Buoyancy:Just the information
Welcome to the Quiz Toolbox for Left click to play any of that above files. Right click and select "save link as", then select your devices drive or your USB to download and play on the go or in class.
To down load right click "save link as" the following link.

Buoyancy:All files

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