Sunday 25 November 2018

New Scientist 17 Nov_5

The last word where readers help other readers was of reduced interest to me as I already knew how car keys work. They work on listening for the next hundred of so numbers in a pseudo random number sequence. I know about pseudo random numbers operating on an algorithm based on Mercen prime numbers and repeat exactly ever cycle which can be very large. So there is the prime and the key and the algorithm, which allow encrypted communication.

I found the AI art showing the struggle against face recognition to be a bit contrived to be honest. It some how would make me feel excluded and I although I do see that our perception of humanness is complex, the relation with AI seems to be giving the concept greater import than it really has. I also feel the art installation about fake news generation by AI a bit deflating to read about. I think the issue here is that society operates on a tissue of folly and deception already and the sinister intrusion of sophisticated players like foreign states in domestic affairs seem to be just rousing us from a semi consciousness where people had become to addicted to thought by association. I did search Francis Bacon's roll in this and it is not the famous scientist but a much more modern famous portrait artist. My memory failed me on searching for a Greek word with similar spelling to Eulabeia, however this is fascinating to read about anyhow.

The article on fast and slow thinking styles I think really got down to the vast confusion people have about an mechanistic theory and a descriptive law of framework. I honestly think there should be corporate reflection to pick apart who is shoving instinctive stream of consciousness direction flood by inaccessible subconscious reflexes. The field of bias and our bias about bias is key to untangling our current distopia.

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