Tuesday 11 December 2018

New Scientist 1 Dec_4

There is a rather vague article on Dark Matter which doesn't let readers in on the idea that super symmetry is really on the nose because of the silence coming out of CERN.

The major new archaeological find in Arkansas really doesn't warn the reader that we may be listening to someone who is not showing the scientific disinterest and balance we very much rely on to gain balanced knowledge

I absolutely loved the Bee story and the fact that many aspects of folk science of bees have another chapter in them to make sense. I think it all make sense that the bees bring back the scent of flowers and then only very rough directions.

There are some interesting letters, but for me the big excitement is whether the software for broadcasting podcasts will pick up the summary made at the end of the recording and move it to the front. I have put in the feature and never tested it so the odds are not good for it working but hey this is going to be really exciting for me.

MP4 recording     MP3 recording

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