Sunday 16 December 2018

The Oval Portrait

This is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe. It basically looks and comments on the idea of Art actually displacing Life. I see parallels in the education of science at the expense of growing the fire of reason in the souls of our students.

I am studying the history of English literature analysis and English as a subject for education. I am coming to the understanding that just researching Science education or just English education you have an incomplete picture. Many do not know about the invention of Scientists, or the invention of English as a subject. The former predates the later by 50 years.

If you consider Carl Sagan as a type of Science poet, then the power of his language has another dimension. I like his turn of phase "the highly combustible mixture of ignorance and power". Richard Dawkins is another mind in this space.

Only in Australia, I read under a porch light, that is near to be bright enough. As dusk fall a swarm of insect that seem to be all extremely odd examples of evolutionary innovation just crash in. Itching as their wings become waterlogged with my sweat, I soldier on until... a 3 cm beetle kamikaze lands on my book at speed bouncing off onto my chest, then falls onto its back covering the vary sentence. I was reading. Perhaps Darwin had summoned up an army plucked from the tree of life and commanded them to stop the podcast. Then again perhaps not.

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