Wednesday 5 December 2018

New Scientist 24 Nov_3

The issue of disposable nappies being hard to actually dispose of as a civilization is discussed. I think it speaks to a larger issue of the overall inefficiency of non communal living. There are many issues I would like explained to me about the science of landfill, but that is just me.

The human cell atlas article had lots of information but I felt missed out on some nice themes under the surface. It seems less pompous that the Human genome project but I would still like to know the more about the approach of the two women who appear to have got it going.

I think there is real scandal underlying the demise of nuclear energy in Germany. The issue I see is that coal and fossil fuel have a much simpler business model and scale to make a quick buck. I could imagine powerful business interests melting into the Green lobby. It is one of those things we will only find out when the world is about to totally fry.

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