Wednesday 5 December 2018

Podomation Update - 29

I am surprised that Podimation Updates have gone onto issue 29 and looking at the scale of the enterprise some more must surely follow.

The story goes a bit like this. Isolated from work place rehabilitation I had to work on my craft , turning ideas into speech, no matter the conditions handed me. This is a key element of teaching, but by no means sufficient. However if you can't get the concept across you are sunk. On reflection it would be a wise idea to get the correct concept across while you were at it. On further reflection, if flawed concepts where in play but the scoring system was set up to entrench them ... hang on we are in for some serious podcasting.

Now rehab, diet is not a workday Monday to Friday affair. It is total, always aiming higher, all skills sets one by one then integrated. Harking back to a lifetime ago as a soldier you had to navigate, eat, protect yourself from the sun, think as a team and this was before you do things people imagine. Being in training you not only get the principles but you embody them, that sense of urgency and drive gets ignited.

So those in the game will understand the mix of Podcasting while walking. Listeners... they will sort themselves out. So first on the Mobile phone. Hang on here, I have to convert a Samsung file type to MP3. How does the Podcast mechanism work? To be honest for this last question I can see paying money is most advertised solution, and the rest is a bit murky. Also the rate and focus on cognitive rehab (recall, programming, putting in Apps that sort of thing) that is not what most of the market is at. It seems to be about making money to pay people that help you. Fine, it seems like some sort of Global Tupperware party where all the action is. My soul however is drawn into the Strategy wilderness, dimly lit, with the moon shining through on to peaks that in the gloom seem distant.

So, no fuss no bother, while all around is falling into decay a happy National Instruments programming we will go. The art of the long program is to decorate with diagnostics. Then it is to build functional blocks with inputs and outputs so you can swap them in and out as you upgrade, or rather switch the upgrade on and off. Here is also the long journey of do it yourself or harness the force of open source. While the latter is always to the way to go, it is a big hairy beast to domesticate and it is not clear how it does what it does and what resources it takes to do it, the former, doing it yourself, educates and frustrates you on the process you are thinking off. Its like going to a shed company to buy just the right shed after you have struggled for years to build the shed of your dreams.

I hope you can see where this is going. You start building a reconfigurable library of parts. Imagine setting up to build a motorcycle, then fool around a sedan car, station wagon, then bus then looking up aeronautics you start firing up jet engines. In real life I actually built a jet engine when I was 16, it was highly educational. It is not too emotional working through the technology but there is definitely a higher level that gives it a spirit and a life of its own. There are writers that capture the Zen of mechanization, but they are not in the popular stream, but I would also say the passion and vision exudes from the page. If I can be so crass as to quote my own paper: "Automation is our conceptualization of the future". The humble automatic supermarket door presupposes an enormity of cultural imaging and social choreography.

Enter left field the Quiz. At its heart is ROSA reverse order synthetic answers. This means if you do things back ward you can trace up the decision tree without having to manage forks. Mathematically it is really clear, it is always a bit of struggle in the linguistic dimension. When the reverse order approach misses things you often find that there is some structure problem in the question. So you start the Quiz source podcast with explanations, then phase the question consistent with explanation and then the correct answer then distractors. There is much education to build into the distractors, and this will be rolled in soon, however the take home message here is that the construction process is much less cluttered in the ROSA process.

Then we have the concept of speech atoms. This is devolving from some pretty amazing work where a new type of maths acts as IP headers for speech atoms allowing APP synthesis. Those who are following my work will know that these Concept IP numbers allow a jumble of concepts to be reconstructed in a compact form. What is less obvious is that it allows the rapid communication and sharing of concepts similar to how pictures are sent down optical fibres.

So looking at the quiz you will see that each question is a molecule of atomic parts, explanation, question etc, and be managing these questions as separate web pages it allows social quality control or rather enhancement. So rather than questions being bury in an institution process and carrying the baggage of various compromises they are free to evolve in a social place. Think of it as an encyclopedia picture vs and Instagram shot.

The other aspect I am trying to hit is the different scenarios of learning, private, group and classroom and why not more? That is the idea anyway and if anything else it is really providing a scaffold to self help rehabilitation.

MP4 recording     MP3 recording

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