Saturday 22 December 2018

Zombie Myths - Introduction

I read and comment from an incredibly well written book. You may be interested in history in general and how any country or group of people winds up adding fabrications to there own memory of themselves. I have certainly noted this in passing in every country I have lived in, but that seemed to be part of the charm and energy of the place.

I really want to learn about Zombies because I am holed up in a mountain retreat with a full scale zombie-apocalypse. The software I am creating is some kind of improvised weapon that seems to slow them down for a bit, but then alerts them where to attack. This book is like desperately finding the textbook on zombies as the movie reaches it climax.

I hope you in podcast-land have a stomach for all of this, if not listen to something else.

MP4 recording     MP3 recording

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